Ohio SB310 allows certain businesses to opt-out of the energy efficiency riders that are included in their monthly electric bill. This opt-out provision is only open to large energy users. However, if a business decides to opt-out, they forgo participation in any rebate programs and they must report their energy efficiency programs to the PUCO. […]
Tom is presenting at the 19th Annual Ohio Energy Management Conference February 25 & 26 at the Columbus Renaissance Hotel
Tom is once again presenting at the 19th Annual Ohio Energy Conference, which is one of the largest regional energy management conferences in the nation. His topic this year will cover how to maximize energy efficiency with electric motors and drives. Tom will be joined by Steve Briscoe from Industrial Air Centers, Inc., who will […]
Ohio’s Energy Future Tour: Columbus blundered on energy law
In spite of SB310, energy efficiency and renewable energy are alive and well in Ohio. For those of you who missed the first stop on the Ohio Energy Future Tour, it was held at the Great Lakes Science Center on Monday, December 15, 2014. A lot happened and John Funk from the Plain Dealer was […]
IMPORTANT! FirstEnergy Rebate Program changing
With the passage of SB310 earlier this year, FirstEnergy, as expected, is changing their rebate program. All rebate applications must be submitted and pre-approved by December 31, 2014. Starting on January 1, 2015, FirstEnergy will only accept energy efficiency projects where customers are willing to commit their energy efficiency savings to FirstEnergy’s Ohio utilities in […]
FirstEnergy eliminating rebates in 2014… Act Now!
FirstEnergy plans to eliminate its rebate program in Ohio during 2014 after the signing of SB310 into law by Gov. Kasich. Lighting rebates will likely go through the end of the year, but other rebates will likely disappear by sometime in September or soon thereafter. In Ohio, if you are served by one of the […]
AEP Offers 10% Bonus on VFD/Motor Rebates in August
During August 2014, AEP Ohio is offering a 10% bonus to their VFD and Motor Rebate. If you are looking to improve energy efficiency by upgrading motors or adding VFD’s (variable frequency drives), please call us. There is not a better time for moving on this. It offers a quick payback and significant savings. We […]
Implement energy efficiency projects with no money out-of-pocket!
If you are not implementing energy efficiency projects due to lack of available funds, call us! There are solutions available that do not require any out-of-pocket funds. The projects can be financed with the savings generated by the project. Call us to discuss how this approach can help your business save on energy costs.
FirstEnergy releases enhanced new energy audit incentive!
FirstEnergy Corp. has finally released its long awaited energy audit incentive and has done so with a nice enhancement to its program. Business customers of FirstEnergy have been divided into small and large business groups. Smaller businesses (GS and GSD tariff) will receive 50% of the audit fee, up to $5,000 in matching funds per […]
Tom speaking at 18th Annual Ohio Energy Conference in Columbus, OH Feb. 18-19, 2014
Motors represent up to 65 % of the energy load in industrial plants. Tom will show how to improve energy efficiency with motors and share insights to developing a robust preventive maintenance program.
Great News for Ohio Businesses, SB 58 stalls
12/4/13 – Great News! Last night the Ohio Senate Republican Caucus could not agree on the revised SB 58 that would roll back energy efficiency in this state. So they postponed the matter until next year. The bill would increase energy costs to Ohio businesses and residences by $4 Billion over the next 12 years […]